Saturday, December 21, 2013

Guess I'll Just Keep Ramblin'

It's been a while, so I suppose it's time to ramble a bit.  Here's what I've been up to:

#1: Portfolios are hard, let's go shopping!  I've been putting together this Behance portfolio for a while now.  The paintings were easy-ish (to post, not to paint!), but I have so many photos it's been a challenge to pick out reasonably representative shots and organize them into sensible projects.  I'm coming up on "ready to post" so stay tuned for a giant addition of photos to said portfolio!

#2: Cleaning the studio.  My studio has been a complete mess.  For years.  And years. But thanks to prodding from my girlfriend, I finally got around to getting rid of a decade-old computer (and the desk it occupied!), giving me a ton of extra room.  The goal is to eventually fill said space with a rack for placing wet canvases (or canvai, if you like the faux-Latin-plural) – how fancy!  Anyway, removing all that junk led to an all-out clean-a-thon, and now I have a nice, spacious studio!  Behold!

And from the other corner!

That's right.  This is where the magic happens.

#3: Making presents for people.  There's a pretty extensive list of people to whom I owe paintings.  I've decided to try to get caught up with that.  I'll try to split painting time 50/50 between "owed" paintings, and personal projects.  Right now I'm working on a small set of miniatures for someone who shall remain nameless so as to not spoil the surprise!  Next up: a zany cartoon inspired piece, a big ol' aminal [sic], and a magical plant of magic!

#4: Beer Snobbery.  What?!  Don't question my inspiration!

Mmmm.... Fall...

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Not wasting any time between posts here!  What's an artist's website without a portfolio of sorts?  Blogspot doesn't seem too conducive to posting a giant collection of images.  So I started working on a Behance portfolio.  OK, by "started working on..." I mean "signed up for an account."  But the images will be there shortly, I swear!

Well, here I am.

A thirty-year-old math-nerd-and-programmer by day; and who-knows-what-else by night (and day, if/when it's appropriate!).  The night-me has been into painting and photography for a while now, and it's always nice to try to get that stuff out there.  So, after much procrastinating, and prodding from friends, family, and random strangers from local art shows, I finally started thinking about considering putting together a website.  So, while I'm learning how to do all the things to make a personal website (and I do mean all the things), I thought a freebie blogspot page would be a good place to get started.

The catch?  Despite growing up in the midst of the internet explosion, and working with computers for my entire adult life, I have zero idea of how any of this new-fangled blagosphere business works. Also, I write about as well as those proverbial type-writing monkeys who, with enough time, could theoretically produce Shakespeare -- but in actuality will probably just produce mashed keyboard "words" from now until the heat death of the universe.

So, let's see how far this travesty and I will take each other!  At the very least, it will be a place I can record projects, progress, thoughts, and ideas.  And maybe the shame of a 6-month gap between posts will help keep me on track (I just get so distracted!  DAMN YOU NETFLIX!).

Let the word-mashing begin!