Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Well, here I am.

A thirty-year-old math-nerd-and-programmer by day; and who-knows-what-else by night (and day, if/when it's appropriate!).  The night-me has been into painting and photography for a while now, and it's always nice to try to get that stuff out there.  So, after much procrastinating, and prodding from friends, family, and random strangers from local art shows, I finally started thinking about considering putting together a website.  So, while I'm learning how to do all the things to make a personal website (and I do mean all the things), I thought a freebie blogspot page would be a good place to get started.

The catch?  Despite growing up in the midst of the internet explosion, and working with computers for my entire adult life, I have zero idea of how any of this new-fangled blagosphere business works. Also, I write about as well as those proverbial type-writing monkeys who, with enough time, could theoretically produce Shakespeare -- but in actuality will probably just produce mashed keyboard "words" from now until the heat death of the universe.

So, let's see how far this travesty and I will take each other!  At the very least, it will be a place I can record projects, progress, thoughts, and ideas.  And maybe the shame of a 6-month gap between posts will help keep me on track (I just get so distracted!  DAMN YOU NETFLIX!).

Let the word-mashing begin!

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